Pre-Order the Haunted States of America

I’m delighted to be part of this seriously cool project:

The Society of Children’s Book Authors and Illustrators is releasing a collection of 52 scary based-in-some-kind-of-truth stories, one from each state (plus D.C. and Puerto Rico). The idea is for each writer to spin a fictional tale (MG-level) based on urban legend or unexplained paranormal phenomenon from their home state.

My own “Spooklight” is the story for Missouri, and it’s based on the spooklight out near Joplin. I’ve heard tales of the Joplin Spooklight most of my life. My grandparents actually went out to Joplin in search of the spooklight before they were married. My own story has a bit of a sweet twist at the end (I can’t help it; I’m a sucker for sweet ghost stories).

If You’d Like to Pre-Order:

The collection is due out in July, but you can pre-order now. If you use my Booklist affiliate link, I get a little bonus.

Thanks—I can’t wait to see this one out in the world!


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